Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this what most teenagers yearn for in life? We don't want to be villainous, but we do want more out of our average lifestyle. We occasionally give into temptations in order to obtain that extra step beyond normality and average living. Isn't this what we all need: a revolt against our repetitive High School weeks and our constant teenage pressure? In reality, everyone has a rebellious side because deep down, we hate aspiring to be perfect and we hate when others block our freedom of expression or opinion. Youth in Revolt taught me to live my life peacefully without worrying about validation or the so-called "ideal lifestyle." I found that we must be independent, free-spirited, and unique to live a life worth remembering.

The character work is something in itself. Who knew the innocent Michael Cera could play such an intimidating corrupted role? I was drawn in by this new side to the actor. If sweet guiltless Michael Cera took on such a nasty character, I should be able to do the same in the spring musical, Carousel. It's not every day that your evil twin helps a great amount. Five stars, go see this movie!