Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Freddie Reiter: Workshop # 3

Freddie Reiter: Workshop # 3

We did something different today, which was jamming on an E blues chord progression and taking turns soloing. This was my first time soloing on the blues with a whole band backing me up, and it went pretty well. I have to say, it's a bit nerve racking to hold the rhythm on guitar and solo on the pentatonic when its my turn. It takes a lot of concentration and listening to blend with the band, keep time, and use my guitar technique efficiently. After every workshop with Freddie, I seem to learn something new about music and Ska. Today, I practiced blending with the rest of the band and actually listening to each instrument. I learned that each musician's ability to listen and blend with the other member will create cohesion between the band as a whole. After today, I can hear bass much more in songs because I chose to really tune into Zach's part alone in the jam session, while sustaining my guitar part. We practiced "Don't Stop Believing" and our brand new goal is to create an ending to the song, so that we can eventually perform the piece. I'd love to write a song with Freddie, make the Ska version, and ultimately perform it for a large group.


  1. "I'd love to write a song with Freddie, make the Ska version, and ultimately perform it for a large group."

    Is something stopping you, other than you?

  2. Nothing's stopping me, I'm bringing in my songs to Freddie next week :)
